Jump to matching bracket in Brackets?


Is there a way to jump to the matching brace / bracket in the text editor Brackets aka Brackets.io?

Brackets definitely does match braces - it highlights matches - but I can't find any feature to jump to the match, in menus or docs. In Sublime Text the keyboard shortcut for this is ctrl-m.

It's a tricky one to search on because every other text editor's docs pages for bracket / brace matching match the search term "Brackets"... I'm just getting pages and pages about bracket matching in every other text editor available.


Posted 2014-08-04T20:57:10.597

Reputation: 3 946



You can install the Jump to Matching Brace extension to add this functionality to Brackets. (I'll add a note to the bug cited in the other answer).

The shortcut it uses is Ctrl-Shift-[, though you can use the Key Remapper extension to change it if you want.


Posted 2014-08-04T20:57:10.597

Reputation: 397

2I loved CTRL + B in Notepad++ because it works with non-English keyboards. Brackets' Ctrl-Shift-[ does not work, especially not on German keyboards. Thanks for pointing out the extensions. @Brackets_dev: Just add the default CTRL + B. – Kai Noack – 2016-08-23T11:39:35.607


I just found out that Brackets is partly supported by Adobe and so you can get some more relevant results by searching for "Adobe Brackets" in quotes.

Using this, I found this issue which seems to suggest that jumping to matching bracket has been an open "to do" since Oct 2013 and (as of August 2014) hasn't been implemented yet.


Posted 2014-08-04T20:57:10.597

Reputation: 3 946