Diagnosing Windows 7 Start Menu search delay



When I enter a search term into my WIndows 7 Start Menu search bar, it invariably takes 20 seconds before returning any results.

enter image description here

I don't understand why this is taking so long. What can I make the search return results faster and reduce the delay in returning obvious search results?

For example, I probably open notepad twenty times a day and I think that this result should be returned and load instantly upon typing note[Enter] whereas I currently type notepad{wait 20 seconds}[Enter]


Posted 2014-08-02T16:04:53.787

Reputation: 209

What about the 2nd time of doing that, or any second search, within say 30 seconds of doing it the first time? A few hard disks waking back up can take 5-15 seconds. Windows 7 search fun has created an even larger market for 3rd party replacements, you could try a few, and never look back. – Psycogeek – 2014-08-02T16:42:31.087

1http://pastebin.com/9R3Ehbs3 – magicandre1981 – 2014-08-02T17:52:22.737

Rebuilding Index may help you, because by default, search locations include start menu search. This can be done by Control panel - Indexing Options. I had the same issue, and I rebuilt the index , it worked fine. – Ĭsααc tիε βöss – 2014-08-02T20:01:16.177



This issue was resolved by testing each item in Control Panel>Indexing Options>Modify and removing an entry that was very slow to respond.

The offending folder was Google Drive, which was very slow to respond both in Explorer and when searched via Start Menu. Now I have removed this from the Indexing I no longer have an absurd delay.


Posted 2014-08-02T16:04:53.787

Reputation: 209

1I think it's because the location is within My Documents and the Google Drive folder has a large amount of information that regularly changes (hence indexing is often out of date and/or broken) – JustinJDavies – 2014-08-07T09:38:09.657

How did you find which entry is the slow one? – Tomáš Zato - Reinstate Monica – 2018-08-21T13:18:35.400

@TomášZato I simply tested using binary chop on all the indexed locations; the slow down disappeared once I removed the offending item. – JustinJDavies – 2019-01-02T23:32:22.177