Output of history command in iTerm



I am using 'iterm' as my terminal at macosx. But I don't see all my command I type when I do 'history' and I don't see my previous command (copy and paste) using the UP arrow key?

Is there a way to fix it?


Posted 2009-12-05T07:53:15.920

Reputation: 2 519

I have same problem – juanpablo – 2011-07-10T05:41:12.207

Can you give us a repeatable example? – Bill Reardon – 2009-12-05T08:10:32.127

2History is handled by your shell (most likely GNU bash), not by your terminal program. – Tadeusz A. Kadłubowski – 2009-12-05T11:05:46.627



Check you home dir in iTerm.

$ cd ~
$ ls -la | grep .bash_history

If it found it do a

$ cat .bash_history

This will show your history. Not in the exact same format as 'history' but it will do I think. Or you can search within your history with the shortcut CTRL + r. It will show something as (reverse-i-search). Type your command you did earlier and it will return a result.

Robert Cabri

Posted 2009-12-05T07:53:15.920

Reputation: 207

2Bear in mind that if you use a bash alternative, you'll need to use it's history equivalent e.g. with ZSH, replace .bash_history with .zsh_history. – saywhatnow – 2018-08-19T23:49:17.573

Give that man a Nobel Peace Prize. – Jonathan – 2019-08-31T00:21:59.317