Removing hyperlink underlines in Outlook 2010 signature only (not in the rest of the email)


I am having a strange problem with Outlook 2010, which unfortunately is necessary here.

In a nutshell, Outlook is adding the blue hyperlink underlining on to my HTML signature, even though specifically the code removes the hyperlink underlining and blue color.

The HTML signature when copied and used with Gmail, does not perform the underlining automatically as per design, so I know this a problem with Outlook and the way it injects its own code into HTML/the way it parses it.

When creating the signature for Outlook I created a blank signature through Options -> Mail -> Signatures. I then gave it a name and saved it. I navigated to the signature folder @ \Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Signatures and then edited the newly created one. Once I deleted all the HTML code I coped and pasted my own signature HTML in entirety and saved.

This worked, and when I create a new email the correct looking signature appears appended without the blue hyperlinks, however when I send it they do appear at the recipients end. Much to my frustration.

Is there anyway to get rid of this behavior?

I wish Outlook would not change the HTML code.


Posted 2014-07-31T11:23:28.287

Reputation: 11

1Maybe it's the recipients' e-mail clients that are adding the hyperlink, though I am not sure what is being hyperlinked: if you have an e-mail or web-site address in your signature, why would you want to prevent recipients clicking on it? Anyway, there is a solution of sorts, which is to use graphics for your signature, though some client configurations may not display it correctly. – AFH – 2014-07-31T11:36:26.963

Yes... Many email clients will recognize the url and automatically "linkify" it in an attempt to be helpful to the reader. – Brian Adkins – 2014-07-31T11:44:09.747

It goes against the aesthetic design of the signature to have the blue hyperlinks, it's obvious that all the content that I don't want with the hyperlinks ARE hyperlinks anyway. Also like I mentioned above, the original HTML when sent as a signature via GMAIL doesn't add the hyperlink blue stuff. So I think Outlook is trying to help me with it's interpretation of the original HTML :( – user1599706 – 2014-07-31T12:22:26.873



I've never been able to stop Outlook from adding underlines. The only work-around I've found is to use an image instead of text in the link.


Posted 2014-07-31T11:23:28.287

Reputation: 386