"The name is too long" when using Wget



I am trying to get a copy of the catalog. I would love to get the "List View" and "Show Object" details. The URL I am trying to wget is:


I get an error: Name is too long, 317 chars total.

Here is my wget command that does not work:

wget --recursive --page-requisites -e robots=off --user-agent=Mozilla --random-wait --convert-links --content-disposition --adjust-extension --default-page=design-and-art-after-1945.html 'http://catalog.quittenbaum.de/index.php?_function=list_objects&Standort_ID_Auktion=M_115C&Language=ger&Zuschlag=&_start=0&kindOfListView=listView&'

Do anyone have an idea?


Posted 2014-07-30T15:51:28.753

Reputation: 41

Which wget version do you use? (There was a bug regarding this error, which was fixed in 2012: http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?21714). Your command runs fine here with GNU Wget 1.15 on a NTFS partition (which has also the 255 character limit), but thes longest file name I got was 125 letters.

– mpy – 2014-07-30T18:16:54.893



I guess, wget tries to create a file named index.php?@#&^@&(@!&)&%@&$%@&#$%)@#&$&%whatever#.

Ext4 filename length limit is 255 chars.

Set the name of the page saved with -O.

wget -O "design-and-art-after-1945.html" ...


Posted 2014-07-30T15:51:28.753


Wget is generating a file like this one for example:


The Result now is: I get one very large file (about 20MB) and nothing really to use. For any other ideas I would be very thankful!

Thank you so much Radoo! – Bauhaus – 2014-07-30T17:56:54.210

Do you have any redirects? In the past, in case of redirects, and some other cases I just managed to achieve my goal with curl instead of wget: curl -L -k "<url>" -d <post-data> > <file> – None – 2014-07-31T09:02:14.430