How to put 2 page numbering in Microsoft word 2007


I'm helping my dad to make his book but I got this problem:

He wants the page to be in landscape format with two columns. And in each column, there are one page number each column. A picture below is the target outcome:

enter image description here

Any help will be much appreciated. Thank you!


Posted 2014-07-29T06:10:51.707

Reputation: 1

Just a note, generally book formats are done by working in normal portrait modes, then printing them 2 to a page side by side. What he desires is easily done, by using the methods designed to "make that easy". Text flow , editing adding and subtracting things prior to any printing then still flows to the pages, again making it easy. A little training or tutorials prior to starting will help. You really want to use the common method and programs intended design methods, fighting them is possible, just not long term. – Psycogeek – 2014-07-29T06:23:43.213



As explained in Override page numbering in word:

Where you have Page 1 Here you would need {={ Page } * 2 -1 } with the brackets inserted using CTRL+F9. Where you have Page 2 Here You would need {={ Page } * 2 }.

This solution is not optimal. Like @Psycogeek's comment, I would suggest to use standard page numbering. Otherwise, you're going to have problem with the TOC, reference and so on...

Emmanuel Gleizer

Posted 2014-07-29T06:10:51.707

Reputation: 152