GitHub for Windows not working after install



Today I have installed GitHub For Windows. I had installed GitHub for Windows earlier and at that time it worked fine, but due to some reason I had to uninstall it.

Today when I installed GitHub again it installed perfectly. But after installation when I click on the icon, GitHub does not open. I checked Task Manager for processes and for some time I can see Github.exe, but after some time it disappears.

When it did'nt work I uninstalled and installed again, but the results are the same.

When I try to open it, only the loading symbols comes up.


Posted 2014-07-28T13:39:00.690

Reputation: 163

1Why the downvote? It is completely on topic. – Kartik – 2014-07-28T13:48:35.197

Related to this: ?

– Hannu – 2014-07-28T14:42:45.673

@Hannu No it's not related – Kartik – 2014-07-28T14:44:12.353

@Hannu One of my friends was able to do it perfectly on his own computer. – Kartik – 2014-07-28T14:45:21.473

firewall too strict? – Hannu – 2014-07-28T14:47:22.333

@Hannu I can access github ... There is no network problem. Only problem is that the app does not even Open after installation. – Kartik – 2014-07-28T14:48:37.787

Can you access the system logs right-click My Computer, select Manage..., might there be something related to this? – Hannu – 2014-07-28T14:50:20.120

Let us continue this discussion in chat.

– Kartik – 2014-07-28T14:52:18.600

I'm sorry, I have no idea how to get you further than this - and have no Windows install to 'aid' me. ^ I had just seen the other posting though. – Hannu – 2014-07-28T14:55:40.123

Is your msysgit install trashed? Windows requires a separate version of git than other OSes, msysgit, and github probably comes packaged with that. I would try to run git from the command line and see if you get any errors.. Also try completely uninstalling msysgit, github, restarting, and then reinstalling github for windows. – SgtPooki – 2014-07-28T17:56:48.787



I was having the same problem as you had. I installed GitHub before, and it worked fine. I uninstalled it then trying to reinstall it, but nothing happens whenever I click the GitHub icon.

Deleting the GitHub folders left behind from AppData\Local and Roaming folders helped me solve my problem. Then I reinstalled GitHub and now it works.

  • From the Windows Start menu, choose Run (or Windows Key + R)
  • Enter the following, depending on your version of Windows, and then click the OK button:

On Windows Vista or higher, delete the %LocalAppData%\GitHub and the %AppData%\GitHub directories.

On Windows XP, delete the %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\GitHub directory.

Source: Uninstalling GitHub for Windows

Annie Lagang

Posted 2014-07-28T13:39:00.690

Reputation: 161

I have GitHub Desktop and it wasn't opening after I updated it. I opened %LocalAppData%\GitHubDesktop and I saw 2 applications. GitHubDesktop.exe and GitHub Desktop.exe (space). I opened the one with the newer modified date and it opened. – None – 2017-08-08T21:00:24.993


If you are unable to delete the GitHub folder as described above, end the ssh-agent.exe process from Task Manager in Windows. Then, immediately delete the folder.

Task Manager >> Processes >> ssh-agent.exe>> End Process


Posted 2014-07-28T13:39:00.690

Reputation: 211