I'm in the common yet unenviable position of having the older Windows 8 keys (one OEM non-Pro version - key in BIOS, one retail boxed copy Pro version), yet wanting to easily install Windows 8.1 whenever I want to re-install windows. I'm tired of waiting for the windows update, reboot cycle, repeat ad nauseam. Is there a way to obtain a Windows 8.1 Update 1 installation ISO that will work with both of my older Windows 8 keys (again, please note one is OEM non-Pro [key in BIOS], the other is retail Pro)?
If not, what is the next best thing? Can I slipstream? Can I get something like an .msi file that I can use to install 8.1 Update 1 after I've installed Windows 8?
Note that I'm asking about installation media that will ultimately work with my keys. I'm completely fine using a generic key for installation and then putting my own key in later. That is completely fine. I just want a way to install 8.1 Update 1 without having to wait for windows update to download updates and apply them one by one, then go to the windows store and install windows 8.1, then again let windows update apply updates one by one etc.
I have Googled, but didn't find what I'm looking for.
Its not possible to use a Windows 8.0 license to install Windows 8.1. You must use the generic Windows 8.1 license key, install Windows 8.1, then change the product key. There are numerous questions ( answered ) by me proving great detail on the exact steps. The OEM license can only be installed on the original hardware it came on clearly. I refuse to provide another answer to a question I feel I already answered. – Ramhound – 2014-08-04T22:40:00.710
1I'm not asking about keys. I don't have a problem installing using a generic key and fixing it later. I'm asking where/how I can obtain installation media. I included key information because it would be nice to have only one set of install media that worked with both keys. You have hundreds of answers, please point me to the relevant ones. Thanks. – Eddified – 2014-08-04T23:18:30.810