Windows 8.1 - "Show Desktop" rectangle has disappeared from taskbar


My "Show Desktop" button, the vertical rectangle at the far right of my taskbar, has completely disappeared--it was there, now it's not. My taskbar now just ends abruptly with the time/date info, and there's no space to the right of that for the "show Desktop" button.

I have the "Use peek ..." box checked in my Taskbar and Navigation properties.

Any ideas how to get this back? I used it constantly and I'm at a loss as to what has happened. Thanks!


Posted 2014-07-17T23:22:37.417

Reputation: 11

1Can you please post a screenshot of your corner? Because we all have the invisible button there and can't really understand your problem. thx – FiveO – 2014-07-21T07:49:40.617



It's there, but just not visible until clicked.

not clicked on click

There's no longer a tooltip either, but it still peeks at the desktop hovering over it.

However, if this is an actual bug, the current version of Windows should always be supported. You can have Microsoft work with you on the issue here.


Posted 2014-07-17T23:22:37.417

Reputation: 18 859

Thanks Louis, but .... I know the button's invisible. However, that's not the problem. There is literally not even a pixel of space after the clock/date on the far right of my taskbar, and so any click brings up the calendar ... so, the space for the button has disappeared. – Brett – 2014-07-18T11:32:16.367

... that is, there is nothing there to click, not even an "invisible" rectangle. It's like the rectangle has been shoved aside somewhere or simply, somehow, removed by something. – Brett – 2014-07-18T11:41:01.387

@Brett oh darn....well you have my apologies for the simplistic answer (I gave it after seeing you were a new user). I can't reproduce this and am not aware of a policy that would remove it (though I might be wrong). Honestly, this might be one for a Microsoft MVP or employee to have at. I think they're often one and the same. – Louis – 2014-07-18T12:19:54.000

@Brett I'm sorry your Windows is broken, but there's still Win+d! – Louis – 2014-07-18T12:31:14.413

Yeah, it's quite the mystery, and I fear I'm simply going to have to get used to the keyboard way. It's been really difficult to search for a potential solution, because most everything that comes up is just about using or not using the aero-peek option by choice, or not understanding how it works--not about literal disappearance. I'll try your Microsoft suggestion. Fingers crossed. – Brett – 2014-07-18T18:44:37.190