Blank screen, CentOS 6.5


I'm on a Dell PowerEdge 2850, and I recently installed CentOS 6.5, and it worked well for a while, then recently whenever I booted into the OS like after the BIOS screen, everything went blank and it stopped outputting through my graphics card. I was still able to access it through VNC, but nothing would output through either VGA port on the PowerEdge.

The same thing happens when I try to boot of the Live CD too, or when I try to install it off of there. The only way I can get it to output something is by booting and using text-only mode, other than that, there's no output whatsoever with CentOS.

Iqbal Khan

Posted 2014-07-13T15:26:59.653

Reputation: 109

You should check out the X logs. – Cristian Ciupitu – 2014-07-13T15:58:50.143

How would I go about doing that? – Iqbal Khan – 2014-07-14T01:54:24.683



I saw you ask how to check the X logs. I'm brand new to Linux so I hope I'm helping you out here:

This will show you all the various log options you have:

ls -l /var/logs

What I believe @Cristian was asking you to check out is this:

cat /var/logs/Xorg.0.log

You can also weed through your messages maybe?

cat /var/logs/messages

You can also view errors by using this command:

grep -i error /var/log/messages

Not really sure if that will show you any error reports or not. Sorry, I know this doesn't answer your question.

Chad D

Posted 2014-07-13T15:26:59.653

Reputation: 3