I've been trying to achieve a crossfade transition between 2 video clips using ffmpeg but have failed so far. I'm new to ffmpeg and am mostly relying on tweaking what I can find in the documentation and existing examples online. From what I read so far, using either the blend or overlay filter should help in achieving what I'm after but I can't figure out the command line details to get it to work.
The fade and concat filters are great for fade-out of video 1, fade-in to video 2 and concat the 2 into 1 clip type transitions but I'd appreciate help in getting a command to transition from video 1 to video 2 without any going to black in between. I couldn't find any examples for exactly this problem anywhere, maybe I'm looking for the wrong keywords...?
More speficially, my videos are mp4s (h264 video, no sound, in case that matters), each is 5 seconds long and I'm after a transition from approx. 4.5s of video 1 to 0.5s of video 2.
Similar to what this tutorial does using MLT and frames (see 2:25 for an example fade), though I'm looking for a way to do this just in ffmpeg without calling any other progs. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PRZ9L_KLdI
Any pointers or maybe a command line to get a fade like this would be much appreciated, thanks very much!
related http://superuser.com/questions/223678/how-to-convert-single-images-into-a-video-with-blending-transition | http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7565962/ffmpeg-fade-effects-between-frames
– Ciro Santilli 新疆改造中心法轮功六四事件 – 2016-05-27T11:02:17.580