How do I view all the files (including those in subdirectories) ordered by last modified date?



So I have a folder that has a lot of folders that have a lot of folders and so on.

I made a bunch of edits to some files that are in many of these folders, but I have no idea what files they were. Is there any program that will recursively go through the folder and show me all the files sorted by their last modified date? I am on Windows XP.

Paolo Bergantino

Posted 2009-07-18T07:05:43.710

Reputation: 2 809



Did you try to use the built-in Windows Search (wildcard search on that folder, then sorting the result by modify date).

As alternative, there is a little freeware tool you could use: "Last Changed Files." Here is a description of the software.

alt text

alt text


Posted 2009-07-18T07:05:43.710

Reputation: 14 208

Use Windows Search! BUT OF COURSE. I feel like an idiot now. This did the trick, although I'm not on Vista. – Paolo Bergantino – 2009-07-18T07:29:59.690


Use Total Commander. :) I'm serious.

Enter the main folder you want to see and Ctrl+B. That will list all files within the main folder and all of its subfolders. And then you know how to sort by date A-Z or Z-A. Someone explained that above.

Forget about Windows Explorer when it comes to file management. If you ask me, avoid Windows Explorer unless you really have to use it (e.g. when saving something from the internet to a specific place).


Posted 2009-07-18T07:05:43.710

Reputation: 31


The dir command,

dir /od /S 

was something i used long back.

Since then, I have shifted to Cygwin.

find . -type f -exec ls -lsrt {} +

Note: The 'r' makes 'ls' reverse sort; latest files at the bottom.


Posted 2009-07-18T07:05:43.710

Reputation: 50 788

This works, but it groups the files by folder. There are a LOT of folders, so I have to go through each one and see when the latest file was edited. Is there a version of this comment that will just group all the files together? – Paolo Bergantino – 2009-07-18T07:13:01.447

yeah, I recollect. That is why the Cygwin reference. There may be some DOS/Windows trick, but I find peace in the Cygwin unix shell. – nik – 2009-07-18T07:14:04.313

I was halfway through downloading Cygwin when the Windows search was suggested. Thank you, however, as I think I'll check it out anyways. – Paolo Bergantino – 2009-07-18T07:31:07.283



The Windows search is probably better for this, just browse to the top directory you wish to start at, and leave the filename blank. It will list all files, then simply click "Date Modified" as shown here:

alt text

John T

Posted 2009-07-18T07:05:43.710

Reputation: 149 037

This works, but it groups the files by folder. There are a LOT of folders, so I have to go through each one and see when the latest file was edited. Is there a version of this comment that will just group all the files together? – Paolo Bergantino – 2009-07-18T07:12:29.420

add the /B switch – John T – 2009-07-18T07:13:31.260

I just did "dir /OD /S /B" but it doesn't have any data besides the file name and the sorting is definitely not right... Mmm. – Paolo Bergantino – 2009-07-18T07:17:24.383

whoops! that just strips headers such as folder name it recursed into etc. Cygwin is probably the easiest for this to tell you the truth. – John T – 2009-07-18T07:21:35.827


instead of searching look in every single folder for the file you are looking for. That is the solution I have found that works best since nothing I have seen really answers the problem

james blair

Posted 2009-07-18T07:05:43.710

Reputation: 1