Video orientation flag reset or disabling it on youtube


I've recorded a video on my smartphone (android-based).

I've been recording it in a landscape mode.

Then when I uploaded it on youtube - it somehow recognized the original orientation and made it to portrait mode.

I understand that I may use youtube editor feature and rotate it there - but I don't want to do that for 2 reasons:

  1. It is another lossy conversion
  2. The video in a wrong orientation is of a lower resolution - 720p, whereas the original video is 1080p.

So what I would like to know from community either:

  • if it's possible to reset an orientation flag in the video (it was compressed using h264 in mkv with ffmpeg)
  • or how to disable auto-rotating on youtube


PS: yep, I tried to google on both questions


Posted 2014-07-06T05:32:36.570

Reputation: 946

Question was closed 2014-07-06T09:42:46.820


Check my answer to the above linked question. You can reset the orientation flag with -metadata:s:v:0 rotate=0. (Edit: found a better duplicate, but this is also relevant:

– slhck – 2014-07-06T09:39:54.763

@slhck: amazing. Upvoted there. But one more question: how would I see the current orientation of a given video? None of "meta" or "rota" or "s:" or ":v" substrings are in the video details. – zerkms – 2014-07-06T09:44:23.700


With ffprobe for example, using ffprobe -select_streams v -show_streams input.mp4, it would show TAG:rotate=90. Or mediainfo, which would show Rotation. The MediaInfo GUI should show it as well, depending on how you like to work with data. Both solutions are cross-platform anyway.

– slhck – 2014-07-06T09:48:35.357

@slhck: yep, mediainfo is the saver, thank you – zerkms – 2014-07-06T10:44:37.887

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