How to detect a bottleneck in the system?


I run a Mathematica code which takes one hour to be finished. During this one hour the CPU never reaches the 100%. It reaches to 50% or around that. The CPU is Xeon e5-1650. Could it be that there is a bottleneck other than CPU. It is as if CPU can reach the 100% of being used but because it waits for something it cannot reach 100% of usage.

I have a Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit.

I think there is a bottleneck in the system other than CPU. Here I asked about the Mathematica benchmark on two different systems, which one of them is the system I am addressing here.


With regard to this question, I want to change the question to how I can detect the bottleneck in the system.


Posted 2014-07-02T13:25:20.847

Reputation: 364

Because the process isn't doing enough instructions to cause it to be at 100%? – Ramhound – 2014-07-02T13:27:23.500

What system are you on? On Linux, top and htop give several metrics that help identifying the bottleneck. For example, I have a server that gets high spikes of load, but doesn't use much CPU. I run top there during a spike and I saw "wa 85%" that means the bottleneck is in I/O. – Bruno9779 – 2014-07-02T13:30:19.383

@Bruno9779 I have Windows 7. How can I detect a bottleneck in Windows. – MOON – 2014-07-02T13:32:44.147

I can't help you there. Please put a tag with the OS next time. – Bruno9779 – 2014-07-02T13:34:45.193

@Ramhound. I cannot understand what you mean by "isn't doing enough instructions". The code solves a system of differential equation 5000 times. – MOON – 2014-07-02T13:34:46.463

According to this processor runs 12 threads. The program would have to be capable of splitting your problem down into at least 12 threads to reach 100% CPU usage. Look at the logical processor usage in Task Manager.

– David Marshall – 2014-07-02T13:44:04.403

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