Open Powershell in ConEmu from context window


I would like to open Powershell inside ConEmu from Windows Explorer's context menu so that it contains the same directory as Windows Explorer.

I know about the "Integration" settings, but I cannot figure out what "Command" I should use to get Powershell to open at the same directory as Windows Explorer. In other words, when I click on "Open in Powershell" on my context menu, I would like it to open ConEmu with Powershell already at the same directory as I was in Windows explorer without having to copy/paste the path manually into my console.

Jasper Citi

Posted 2014-06-29T08:49:58.263

Reputation: 180



It works perfectly without any special steps. And what I'm doing wrong?

ConEmu Integration Settings Explorer context menu Started PowerShell tab

Check your $profile, use ProcessExplorer and ProcessMonitor to check parameters of started processes.


Posted 2014-06-29T08:49:58.263

Reputation: 19 395