Completed CentOS 5.4 perfect install from howtoforge.com (ISPConfig 3). I have ISPConfig 3 deployed with a handful of sites. I installed xen:
yum install xen kernel-xen
I installed the recommended (linuxtopia.org) virtualization packages and started libvirtd
yum install virt-manager libvirt libvirt-python libvirt-python python-virtinst
I have damn small linux .iso in /root
virt-install --name damnsmall --ram 16 --file=/var/lib/xen/images/damnsmall.img --file-size=1 --vnc --cdrom=/root/current.iso
yields the error: ERROR Host does not support any virtualization options
I have also tried this from GNOME (virt-manager) and I can't even add a connection. I read somewhere I need to reboot with the xen kernel. I dont think I want to do that--though, not really sure why. I need to keep ISPConfig untouched.