Why does wmic tells my memory speed is 1333MHz, but Speccy says 665MHz?


I've checked my computer specs, and I saw I had memory in 1333MHz speed. I've checked it in wmic (see pic) and it's true. B ut i've checked it in Speccy (see pic) and it shows 665MHz.

I've checked the page of my CPU and it says Memory Types DDR3-1333/1600.

I've checked the page of my MotherBoard (or here) and it says Memory Standard Supported DDR3 1066 DDR3 1333.

So... Why it's so slow in Speccy?

Speccy + wmic

Y. Shoham

Posted 2014-06-26T13:53:26.700

Reputation: 149

I have wmic 400Mhz vs speccy 666Mhz. I know I run it with a 1333Mhz, so wmic is not reliable. – inf3rno – 2015-08-13T14:23:15.433



667Mhz is the correct speed. For marketing purpose the speed is doubled because of used Double Data RAM which can transfer data on both the rising and falling edges of the clock signal.


Posted 2014-06-26T13:53:26.700

Reputation: 86 560

Does it mean that any DDR2/DDR3 memory-card I see does the same trick? Always when it has label of 1600MHz it's 800MHz, etc.? And when CPU/MB says it's capable up to 1333MHz, it suites exactly to the so-called 1333MHz memory? – Y. Shoham – 2014-06-26T14:05:00.880

2yes, same for DDR1/2 and 3. This is done since the first DDR RAM was created in 2000. – magicandre1981 – 2014-06-26T14:06:26.803