Remote Desktop Connection not working Windows 7


I'm having trouble setting up Remote Desktop Connection at work to a Windows 7 Pro SP1 machine.

I've enabled RD, checked the services and firewall rules. I've also tried numerous of potential fixes I've found on Stack Exchange/MS TechNet etc, without success. For example deleting the RD certificate on the Windows 7 machine. Still, the connection cannot be established.

I'm trying to connect from a Windows 8.1 Pro machine. Note: it does work the other way around and it does work to other computers in the network.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance.


Posted 2014-06-24T08:56:53.020

Reputation: 21

What happens when you try? Are you getting a connection failed error immediately, is it timing out, are you getting an authentication error, or is it something else? – Randy Orrison – 2014-06-24T09:00:23.367

It shows 'Initiating remote connection..' for a while and then it pops up the following: Remote Desktop can’t connect to the remote computer for one of these reasons:

  1. Remote access to the server is not enabled
  2. The remote computer is turned off
  3. The remote computer is not available on the network
  4. < – krobbens – 2014-06-24T09:07:25.523

Are you able to telnet to itself using port 3389 (command prompt > telnet localhost 3389)? Then try to telnet from the windows 8.1 (command prompt > telnet windows7ipaddress 3389)? Should give us some more clues as to where the problem is. – CharlesH – 2014-06-24T09:40:28.897

I guess you're on to something, the device cannot telnet to itself: 'Connection failed'. When trying from the W8.1 machine: 'telnet' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. – krobbens – 2014-06-24T09:43:55.633

Can you ping the windows 7 machine from the windows 8 machine? run cmd > ping "name or IP of your computer" – ThunderToes – 2014-06-24T10:09:44.577

*"name or IP of your windows 7 machine" sorry – ThunderToes – 2014-06-24T10:16:34.987

I can ping the machine using its domain name. – krobbens – 2014-06-24T10:24:24.980

hmm could you try the IP? – ThunderToes – 2014-06-24T10:32:27.583

I can also ping to the IP. – krobbens – 2014-06-24T10:38:49.113

right so DHCP is out of the question, try looking in allow a program through the firewall I know you've checked but I don't know where check that all remote services are checked on the both machines if this works then uncheck them one at a time to see which ones you need running – ThunderToes – 2014-06-24T10:43:04.907

I've enabled Remote Desktop and RemoteFX in the Windows Firewall for all network types. (Why can't I find the RemoteFX application on my W8.1Pro machine?) All the services are running, still unable to connect. Even when Windows Firewall is completely disabled on the W7 machine I still cannot connect to it. – krobbens – 2014-06-24T10:52:28.160

can you ping the server from your windows 7 machine? – ThunderToes – 2014-06-24T12:04:07.520

Yes, I can ping the W8.1Pro machine from the W7 machine. – krobbens – 2014-06-24T12:06:16.947

no your server so you can confirm that it is connected to the network properly – ThunderToes – 2014-06-24T12:22:15.703

Yes, I can also ping to the W7 machine from the domain server. – krobbens – 2014-06-24T12:29:29.617

I can also ping the server from the W7 machine. – krobbens – 2014-06-24T13:50:52.553

When scanning the W7 machine from the W8.1 machine with Nmap I get 'filtered' result for port 3389, yet RD is enabled. So this means 'something' is blocking it I guess. How can I figure out what process is responsible? – krobbens – 2014-06-26T11:57:02.777



I have the same problem, but with 2 win 7 x64 machine one with ultimate ed one with pro.

using ultimate i can't remote to the professional... but from pro i can connect to ultimate?!?! and after i connect from pro to ultimate even without do the login... then i can connect from ultimate to pro!?!?!?

the workaround: using team viewer 9 i launch the pro to ultimate remote desktop, then i can connect ultimato to pro....

i tryed ultra vnc, had the same problem of remote desktop...

Stefano IceCubeR

Posted 2014-06-24T08:56:53.020

Reputation: 1