No Flash Player found. 11.5.0 version required. under ubuntu?


i want to play new games on Facebook but i have the message : No flash player found 11.5.0requis. It seems that there is no update version for ubuntu. How can y play games? Is ther another solution ? Thanks Sorry for my English but i am french. Edwigw

edwige campdoras

Posted 2014-06-19T17:46:15.830

Reputation: 41

see if these instructions solve it:

– Frank Thomas – 2014-06-19T17:54:39.490



The last available Flash for Ubuntu is version 11.2. If you install it from the repos this is what you'll get and as you can see more and more sites are not working with it.

To have the latest version, use Google Chrome browser. It has built-in Flash player. Just download the correct .deb for your system and install it with:

sudo dpkg -i google-chrome*.deb
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -f


Posted 2014-06-19T17:46:15.830

Reputation: 2 524

1This is the better solution IMHO. Chrome automatically updates their flash player and also has additional securities beyond Flash that protect your computer. – Nzall – 2016-06-07T13:37:49.133


Pipelight will help you get the latest windows version of flash (and other plugins like silverlight) running on your Linux install using wine.


Posted 2014-06-19T17:46:15.830

Reputation: 4 262