right click on program > "%1" %* instead of run


I have windows 7 and downloaded a program (.exe possibly containing a virus), but didn't install it. Then I right clicked on the program > open with > notepad (always use this program not selected), which opened notepad with an error. All programs got the notepad file icon and opened with notepad.

After searching Microsoft help pages and contacting technical support, I followed this article http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2688326. Which solved the problem (i can now run programs). However now if I right click on a program which is supposed to say run as the first option it says "%1" %*

can someone with Windows 7 home premium tell me what it says in the three registries, it speaks about in the link.

@Amirreza Nasiri your answer is only based on a spelling mistake I made (and corrected) in the question. and therefore didn't solve the problem.

Arye Eidelman

Posted 2014-06-15T22:54:58.830

Reputation: 188

There is no such article on the URL. "The page you are looking for may have a new location, or is no longer available." – Amirreza Nasiri – 2014-06-15T23:21:04.437

I fixed it. it was /kb/ not /gb/. – Arye Eidelman – 2014-06-15T23:28:00.697



instead of typing "%1" %* in the last two registries type Run .

thanks to Microsoft support.

apparently it just needs to be the same characters in both registries. (that's how i understood it.)

Arye Eidelman

Posted 2014-06-15T22:54:58.830

Reputation: 188


What you have to do is go back to where you changed the file under exefile/open and then clear it and also clear the sub folder under open also which is called command and it will correct it back to normal seeing is that was the default values befor e the change.


Posted 2014-06-15T22:54:58.830

Reputation: 1


According to the article, in the "Let me fix it myself" session steps 8 and 11 where you should change the Value data: to "%1" %* at both these paths:


You made mistake and changed it to "%1"%* instead of "%1" %*. You should note that there is a Space character between second quotation mark and second percent characters.

Amirreza Nasiri

Posted 2014-06-15T22:54:58.830

Reputation: 2 418

so i should change it back, I presume? – Arye Eidelman – 2014-06-15T23:36:47.050

@743 Yes you should change it back to "%1" %* – Amirreza Nasiri – 2014-06-15T23:45:17.167

+1 for fast response i spent two hours 'chatting' with Microsoft while they tried to get me to buy premium support for $150 and get all the information they could about my pc – Arye Eidelman – 2014-06-15T23:50:47.290

You can get a lot of guidance on the internet without paying anything. :) – Amirreza Nasiri – 2014-06-15T23:53:43.783

i didn't realise it would be so fast – Arye Eidelman – 2014-06-16T00:04:11.197

it already has a space (I made a mistake when writing the question) also this registry doesn't exist KEY_CLASSES_ROOT\exefile\shell\open it probably should be HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\exefile\shell\open – Arye Eidelman – 2014-06-16T16:55:50.220

I edited the answer, it was HKEY. – Amirreza Nasiri – 2014-06-16T20:15:20.580

the missing h was from Microsoft it wasn't your fault – Arye Eidelman – 2014-06-17T00:47:05.360

That's right. could you explain what did you EXACTLY done? – Amirreza Nasiri – 2014-06-17T03:24:56.403

i did exactly how it says in the artical – Arye Eidelman – 2014-06-17T13:42:32.090