Can a GPS navigation device be tracked?



Does anyone know if there's a way to track the location of a GPS device knowing its ID? Are there any websites where this information is available?


Posted 2009-07-18T00:29:24.027

Reputation: 173



Does anyone know if there's a way to track the location of a GPS device knowing its ID? Are there any websites where this information is available?

No, GPS location determination is a problem of precise time measurement (from the beginning of a special week), and sattelite identification. To not go into any details ... it is a one way signal from satelites towards earth, and can not be tracked.

Differentical GPS's are a different matter.

Tracking via GPS navigation (this is a requirement which for example trucking companies have which enables them to locate their vehicles) is a "simple" mechanism of sending out GPS information (NMEA) via an automated SMS messaging service to a centralized location. Very simply put of course, but that is the basic principle.


Posted 2009-07-18T00:29:24.027

Reputation: 21 622

What do you mean by "differential GPSs are a different matter"? Differential GPSs are receive-only devices just as are regular GPS receivers. They just receive an additional signal besides the ones from the satellites. So they are no more trackable than regular GPS. It's like trying to "track" any other radio receiver. Unless you are close enough to pick up the device's parasitic EM radiation (CPU clock, local oscillator, etc.) it's not going to be happening, and even then, there's no identifying info that would let you track one particular receiver. – Jamie Hanrahan – 2018-09-12T18:28:09.253


Time: Why You Can't Track Your Stolen GPS Device

It's a cruel irony: Car navigation devices keep you from getting lost, but their location-sensing acumen won't help you find them if they get lost or stolen. Why not? Because location and tracking are two different matters. "The GPS calculates location for you. Communicating that location to a tracking center requires a separate service," says Kanwar Chadha, founder and vice president of SiRF Technology, the largest supplier of GPS chips to navigation device makers.


Personal navigation units could easily incorporate the same features, but device makers say there's little demand. "Most consumers are just looking to get from Point A to Point B," notes Tom Murray, vice president of TomTom.


Posted 2009-07-18T00:29:24.027

Reputation: 3 551