In Outlook 2010, how do you search all messages sent on weekends?



For a specific period, last 3 months, how do I find all the messages that were sent (or received) on a weekend?

Is there a filter for this or does it need some workaround?


Posted 2014-05-29T11:51:21.993

Reputation: 370

One specific weekend only? Or all weekend emails? – Andi Mohr – 2014-05-29T12:37:28.733



Under "Search" tab, search "Tools" -> "Advanced Find", then "Advanced" tab - and under Define more criteria dropdown select "Date/Time Fields" -> "Sent", Condition to "Between", and Value to "<start Date> and <end Date>", then under "Browse", make sure you check "Include Subfolders", then "Find Now".


Posted 2014-05-29T11:51:21.993

Reputation: 14 097

1But will this only include weekends. I guess, no. It will include all mails between 2 dates, which is trivial to search. – akjain – 2015-05-15T07:05:33.407


type this into your search bar with whatever other criteria you want.


outlook search criteria web link
outlook search criteria screenshot


Posted 2014-05-29T11:51:21.993

Reputation: 1

When filtering by weekdays, it only applies to the CURRENT week, so it doesn't answer the OP question. – Tiago Cardoso – 2018-11-16T19:05:55.460