How to make screen bigger in byobu



My new server install looks odd: enter image description here

is there anyway to resize it to use the whole terminal window?


Posted 2014-05-29T03:02:54.317

Reputation: 685

This madness is finally over! I was cursing those dots where messed up with my highly sophisticate activity, namely copy & paste. – biocyberman – 2015-05-29T13:56:54.193



This means that there is another ssh or terminal client, other than yourself, connected to this session, which has a smaller window size than yours.

You can detach all clients but yourself, using this Byobu hotkey:


Or you can run the script /usr/lib/byobu/include/tmux-detach-all-but-current-client

Full disclosure: I am the author and maintainer of Byobu.

Dustin Kirkland

Posted 2014-05-29T03:02:54.317

Reputation: 7 101

4Alt - F6 did not work for me, but the script does. – biocyberman – 2015-05-29T13:55:05.717

This shortcut and this command does not work for me... I am using screen and not tmux... – Loenix – 2015-06-23T06:00:23.490


Some distros may not include that script - you can download it here -

– Natalie Adams – 2015-07-02T17:40:42.880

Doing the Alt - F6 on my Macbook Air while Mosh'ing into my server caused me to disconnect as well ;( – dalanmiller – 2016-01-04T19:04:40.823

Most OS capture the Alt-F6 and don't pass it to the terminal window, hence why it doesn't work for some. – MSIS – 2018-08-15T18:17:58.933

Awesome tool. The command works fine for me! Thank you for your work! – 0x8BADF00D – 2018-08-29T22:25:31.813

I have a vague recollection of being able to force a resize, effectively causing windows in other sessions to be bigger than their terminal. Perhaps I was using screen. Anyway, is there any such feature in byobu? – aioobe – 2018-09-19T12:45:17.267

For anyone with the issue of subsequent sessions attaching to the current session see my solution dealing with IntelliJ terminal attaching to my regular terminal's session

– Darrel Holt – 2019-07-31T16:42:13.900

2I'd upvote you, but I don't have the reputation for it, thank you, it never occurred to me that I'd left myself logged in after I was done setting up the network. – HilarieAK – 2014-05-30T16:09:15.753


An alternative to Alt-F6 is Prefix-Shift-D, where Prefix is your byobu escape command (typically Ctrl-a).

See more info here:


Posted 2014-05-29T03:02:54.317

Reputation: 475


Alt-F6 did not work for me. But I found that I was using tmux. To detach the other window use a combination of list-clients and detach-client:

% tmux list-clients
/dev/pts/1: 0 [64x160 xterm] (utf8)
/dev/pts/39: 0 [39x143 xterm] (utf8)
% tmux detach-client -t /dev/pts/39

Since the 64x160 is larger, I figured that was my window while the other client was the smaller one.


Posted 2014-05-29T03:02:54.317

Reputation: 91

This works like a charm. Tried the accepted one and didn't work, but this one did. Good job. – Drubio – 2018-11-27T15:29:48.760


Fantastic script! On OSX using byobu installed with Homebrew, it's (currently)


presumably you'd modify the version number, but that's to give you an idea of how to find it

brew info byobu will tell you where byobu stores its lib etc files.

then just append the lib/byobu/include/tmux-detach-all-but-current-client to whatever that location is (in my case, /usr/local/Cellar/byobu/5.92/)


Posted 2014-05-29T03:02:54.317

Reputation: 31


I got it to work sending the command via vim Sepcial chars on your preference keys on iterm2 \033[17;3~

here is image that show the configuration

Fernando Leal

Posted 2014-05-29T03:02:54.317

Reputation: 1