How to see what's going on during Windows shutdown/logging off process?



Windows 7 msconfig lets users select the options No GUI boot and OS boot information to have a list of drivers being loaded during boot. Is it possible to have similar detailed messages during shutting down/restarting/logging off? Here's the screen I want disable or give me more details:

Shutting down Windows 7


Posted 2014-05-25T20:19:39.217


Question was closed 2014-06-01T10:02:28.363

1I don't understand the question. Can you try to explain what you want, preferably with an example? – LPChip – 2014-05-25T20:29:49.463

1@LPChip I think what he wants is to replicate the No GUI Boot feature for shutdown, ie. No GUI Shut down... – ᔕᖺᘎᕊ – 2014-05-25T20:34:53.483

1Yes, I want to do what what @shub said. – None – 2014-05-25T21:28:06.690

I want to know what step of the shutdown process is making it slower. – None – 2014-05-25T21:33:37.387


I think you're looking for this then: It tells you exactly what is happening during boot up/shut down, without removing GUI, it says things instead of 'shutting down...'

– ᔕᖺᘎᕊ – 2014-05-25T21:37:15.877

@shub I've rewritten my question and posted the steps in your link as an answer. Thank you. :) – None – 2014-05-25T21:46:18.260



From user @shub helpful link:

  1. Run gpedit.msc from the Start menu search
  2. Go to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System
  3. In the right pane, double-click on Verbose vs normal status messages

Once enabled, this setting makes the system display detailed status messages that show each step in the process of starting, shutting down, logging on, or logging off the system.

However, if the “Remove Boot / Shutdown / Logon / Logoff status messages” setting is enabled, this setting will be ignored.


Update: I've ended using Windows Performance Toolkit and found out that Comodo Firewall was the problematic program. After reinstalling it, Windows now shutdowns normally.


Posted 2014-05-25T20:19:39.217


For those looking for this setting, it has seemingly been renamed in Windows 10 as "Display highly detailed status messages", but it's still in the same location. – SeinopSys – 2019-01-22T18:29:20.910


There can be many reasons Windows takes a long time to shutdown. Here are some ways to find out why and to speed it up:


  1. Enable Verbose Mode. This tells you what is happening during shut down, like 'Stopping Services':

    • Press Win + R
    • Type regedit
    • Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System
    • Right click on the right pane, New > DWORD Value. Name it verbosestatus. Double click it, make the value 1.
  2. Check the Event Log:

    • Press Win + R
    • Type eventvwr.msc
    • Go to Applications and Services Logs > Microsoft > Windows > Diagnostics / Performance > Operational.
    • Sort the 'Task Category' column alphabetically.
    • Look at all items under the category 'Shutdown Performance Monitoring'
    • Try to spot anything odd.

What to do:

  1. Change the delay before programs are force closed:

    • Press Win + R
    • Type regedit
    • Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control
    • Double click the WaitToKillServiceTimeout
    • Set the value to something smaller (milliseconds - 1000 = 1 seconds)
  2. Use Windows Performance Toolkit (this is a link to another SuperUser answer)

  3. Perform a clean-boot:

    • Press Win + R
    • Type msconfig
    • Click General tab > Selective Startup
    • Uncheck Load Startup items
    • Click the Services tab, check the Hide all Microsoft Services box, and then click Disable All
    • Click OK, and when you are prompted, click Restart.

Now, this should speed it up a lot. From the previous steps, if you are suspicious about any programs, then un-check them first. Then start enabling one-by-one and see which one is causing the problem.

Hope this helps


Posted 2014-05-25T20:19:39.217

Reputation: 5 559


I ended up using Windows Performance Toolkit and found out that Comodo Firewall was the problematic program.

– None – 2014-05-27T00:15:53.903


Have you checked the eventlog? It will log all problems during startup/shutdown.

You are likekly to find the problem in the system log, but if an application were to hang, it would be in the application log instead.


Posted 2014-05-25T20:19:39.217

Reputation: 42 190