How to disable Taskbar Thumbnail preview in Windows 8 ?



When I hover my mouse cursor over a running application's button in the taskbar, small windows appear showing the contents of the open program. How can I disable that? I find it quite annoying.

taskbar thumbnail preview

Me Wowlol

Posted 2014-05-17T17:25:01.417

Reputation: 255

AKA Windows Peek, I love this feature in Vista+... But I am also surprised there are no questions for this yet. – Austin T French – 2014-05-17T17:53:59.507



In Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 hit the Win+W keys (for search) and type in visual effects hit Enter and in the Performance Options window uncheck the option Animations in the Taskbar. I think this will do the trick.

animations in the taskbar


Posted 2014-05-17T17:25:01.417

Reputation: 5 566

8Does not work on Windows 8.1 – Chris – 2014-07-21T13:23:42.220

@Chris why is it not working ? It should work for Windows 8.1. Are you sure, 100% sure that it is not working ? – Devid – 2014-07-21T17:53:22.533



– Chris – 2014-07-22T06:26:58.580

@Chris after clicking on apply have you tried to restart your PC ? If yes then this must be a bug. Try then to disable it via the registry:

– Devid – 2014-07-22T09:32:21.283

@Devid Yes, I restarted my machine after I changed that setting. In the meantime I have also set those two registry keys and restarted but still no luck. – Chris – 2014-07-22T15:59:57.783

5This doesnt work for me either. Windows 8.1 – spiderplant0 – 2014-10-31T13:39:36.033

Why is this answer getting so many downvotes? I mean the screenshot is saying to disable the wrong visual effect but that isn't a valid reason to downvote it. – Ramhound – 2016-05-19T16:39:34.530

Please +1 and check as answer :) – Devid – 2014-05-17T18:09:33.273


On Windows 8.1 you can get rid of it with these settings:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



Import them and restart Explorer. See here.


Posted 2014-05-17T17:25:01.417

Reputation: 2 223

Awesome, I was about to answer this, and then it turns out my answer is already linked here :) – Zook – 2014-08-30T18:25:42.850

this solution worked for me. – spiderplant0 – 2014-10-31T13:45:07.017

2I don't see the point of the NumThumbnails entry when the underlying mechanism here is just ExtendedUIHoverTime making it take a very long time to show up. – Drazen Bjelovuk – 2014-11-16T01:44:02.953

Indeed, you don't need NumThumbnails. Other than that, this is how you fix it on Windows 8.1. – T.J. Crowder – 2015-01-20T11:25:00.453

Confirmed working on WS2012 R2 and Win8.1, thanks Op! – Sean C – 2015-05-08T00:17:15.697

1This worked on Windows 10. – Shital Shah – 2016-09-15T23:28:18.180

yup, works on win10 for me too. – z8080 – 2018-09-07T15:29:06.020


A few options (I've only tested option 4):

Option 1: (I haven't tested this one)

  1. Click on Start button and type RegEdit in Instant Search text box, then hit Enter.

  2. In the Registry Editor, navigate to the following registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer

    Note: If Explorer registry sub-key does not exist, then right click on Policies and click New -> Key and name it as “Explorer”.

  3. In the right pane, right click and select New -> DWORD (32-bit) Value.

  4. Type TaskbarNoThumbnail as the name for the new registry value data.

  5. Double click on TaskbarNoThumbnail to modify its value data.

  6. Type 1 and click on OK.

  7. Restart computer if needed.

    To re-enable Taskbar thumbnails again, just right click on TaskbarNoThumbnail and click Delete to remove the whole registry key, or set TaskbarNoThumbnail value data to 0.

Option 2 and 3:

Install 7+ Taskbar Tweaker 4.5 - This does work on Win 8.1

In the Hovering section, check the box 'nothing'

Install Taskbar Thumbnails Tuner - According to one person who commented on this page (jonesy), it works in Windows 8.1, but I haven't tested.

At the bottom, check the 'Disable thumbnails' box

Option 4: (I've tested this one)

  1. Open Control Panel > System (in icons view)
  2. Click Advanced System Settings on the left
  3. Alternatively, you can just search for (win+w) visual effects
  4. Go to the Advanced tab
  5. Click Settings in the Performance area (the top area)
  6. Check the Custom box
  7. Uncheck the 3rd checkbox - "Animations in the taskbar"


Posted 2014-05-17T17:25:01.417

Reputation: 5 559

3No it doesn't. Thumbnails still happen with that unchecked. It probably controls the fade-in of the thumbnails, I bet they just appear with no fade if you uncheck it. – Zook – 2014-08-30T18:27:00.890

1Option #3 DOES work in Windows 8.1 when nothing else listed on this page worked. – Somantra – 2015-06-18T15:48:32.763

2Is this tested and working in Windows 8 ? Because I think the second option does not work in Windows 8.1. – Devid – 2014-05-17T17:52:15.233

The first option is copy-pasted from here without proper credit. Besides, it only works in Windows Vista.

– and31415 – 2014-05-17T18:01:08.343

@and31415 Sorry about the source, I forgot to link it, I actually got it from EDIT: But on second look, it looks like that is the site Exotic Hadron was referring to

– ᔕᖺᘎᕊ – 2014-05-17T18:03:09.257

1In 8.1, "Animations in the taskbar" doesn't have anything to do with the hover thumbnails. – None – 2014-05-26T14:02:38.093

@fred It does, which is why Me WowLol accepted Devid's answer – ᔕᖺᘎᕊ – 2014-05-26T14:32:25.220


Do what it shows in the first example, but instead of unchecking "Animations in the Taskbar"; uncheck "Enable Peek" instead.


Posted 2014-05-17T17:25:01.417

Reputation: 41

This worked for me on Windows 8.1. Unchecking "Animations in the taskbar" did not. – Robert Harvey – 2014-11-30T00:05:56.747

1This will get rid of the desktop preview, but not the popups when you're over a task button. – T.J. Crowder – 2015-01-20T11:04:59.800


This works for me in Windows 8.1

Nothing else suggested worked enter image description here


Posted 2014-05-17T17:25:01.417

Reputation: 51

Including the name and a description of the tool in your answer would be useful if, in the future, the link no longer works, which unfortunately does happen. – miyalys – 2015-10-04T21:52:20.747