How can I make quicklook loop previewed videos?


When I use Quick Look in the Finder to preview an mp4 I would prefer if the videos looped over and over instead of stopping at the end, because the play back button is really tiny and hard to click. Pressing space twice again works but is terribly jarring. Is there a setting to change the playback behaviour?

Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz

Posted 2014-05-10T13:39:16.820

Reputation: 1 029

Just use the spacebar twice as you mentioned. There might be a setting or flag you could tweak in the Terminal. I don't know of one. – Joshua Dance – 2014-05-12T14:48:33.907



Use this flag in terminal, its works with Quicktime app or when selecting multiple video files in Finder

defaults write MGPlayMovieOnOpen 1

to disable replace 1 with 0


Posted 2014-05-10T13:39:16.820

Reputation: 21


defaults write MGPlayMovieOnOpen 1

This doesn't loop video, it will automatically show subtitles and closed captioning on open.


Posted 2014-05-10T13:39:16.820

Reputation: 1

An answer with the same suggestion is already posted which means this post is duplicating information. Also refer to [why some answers are deleted(

– pun – 2015-11-18T16:14:27.027