Run fetchmail at login under MacOSX


I'm using MacOSX and I'm trying to migrate to mutt and fetchmail because started giving me several issues.

My configuration sits on~/.fetchmailrcand I launch the daemon issuing fetchmail -d 600. I tried to write a launchd file to handle the task at login, but doesn't work, here's the plist:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
      <string>-f /Users/atma/.fetchmailrc</string>
      <string>-d 600</string>

I think the problem is the user env variables. Tried using a wrapper bust still nothing. I have another plist provided by MacPorts which ignites a global configuration file located in /opt/local/etc/.fetchmailrc. But I'm afraid that using a global configuration might mess my current setup.

Any way I can adjust he above plist to run successfully?



Posted 2014-05-10T12:10:24.060

Reputation: 174



Try splitting the ProgamArguments furter down. AFAIK there has to be NO unescaped whitespace inside the single Strings.


Posted 2014-05-10T12:10:24.060

Reputation: 1 153

Didn't need to, solved it using a different approach. Fetchmail comes with a 'global plist' on macports. I just pass the mail to maildrop configuring globally using /opt/port/etc/fetchmailrc and then maildrop the $HOME/.mailfilter for each user. Works great. – atmosx – 2014-05-11T07:52:09.603