Windows 8 lags after shutdown from power button


On Windows 8, every time when the power cuts off or when I turn off the PC from the power button (5sec), the PC lags severely after the restart, and I notice the system process is using a high amount of CPU power (60-80%).

And to get it back to its normal state, I have to shut it down from the Shut down button, and then open it again.

I'm guessing it's getting lags, because when I open it again it tries to load the old session, and something keeps hanging.

The battery doesn't work anymore, so when I/someone accidentally removes the wire, then I have to wait for like 5min to use it again

Why is this happening, and what can i do to prevent it?

Ouerghi Yassine

Posted 2014-05-07T13:33:56.693

Reputation: 201

Why are you closing the PC down that way at all? Does start -> shutdown not work? – Dave – 2014-05-07T13:51:38.440

no, it does work, but i have a laptop, but the battery dosnt work anymore, so when I/someone accidentally removes the wire, then i have to wait for like 5min to use it again .. – Ouerghi Yassine – 2014-05-07T13:57:50.380

Are you saying if you close it properly then this issue does not occur – Dave – 2014-05-07T14:06:15.757

@DaveRook exactly. – Ouerghi Yassine – 2014-05-07T15:26:32.677

You need to copy the comments into your post - as you can see from other people, your question has caused confusion – Dave – 2014-05-07T16:13:30.057



What you are doing is what some people call a "hard shutdown" which is NOT good for your laptop. To solve that, just simply Ctr+Alt+Del-->shutdown.

I too have windows 8 and it's obviously your computer build because I never experience that problem even when I have done hard shutdowns before


Posted 2014-05-07T13:33:56.693

Reputation: 101

Please read the other comments. – Ouerghi Yassine – 2014-05-07T15:27:24.407

This does not answer the question – Dave – 2014-05-07T16:12:45.800

Considering that the actual question is "Why is this happening, and what can i do to prevent it?", I do think this answers (most) of the question. It's happening because the the op is doing a hard-shutdown, and it can be prevented by shutting down normally. I experience similar delays after a hard shutdown. I assume the PC is doing some kind of fsck or something. – jimtut – 2014-05-07T17:22:36.327

How does it solve it @jimtut - the last paragraph states benimen has never experienced it. The first is a work around but as the OP states, the issue could be when the cable is knocked out since the OP doesn't have a battery. This isn't an answer, at best, a work around – Dave – 2014-05-07T17:48:23.643

The problem is that his computer probably cannot handle a hard shutdown that well, my computer however, can, although I choose to not perform a hard shutdown because there is still a chance that my computer could experience the lag as well. My point is that probably because the user does a hard shutdown so often that his (or her) computer probably cannot handle it. – benimen16 – 2014-05-07T18:16:25.890

When i had w windows 7, this never happened ... this never happened also on my old xp machine. – Ouerghi Yassine – 2014-05-07T19:30:22.163

Then it's probably both a combination of both your computer and Windows 8 on your computer. If it isn't that then you might want to update to Windows 8.1 – benimen16 – 2014-05-07T20:44:51.067

@Dave Rook, ok, I agree it's a workaround ("Doctor, it hurts when I do this"...), and not a real solution. I guess a real "solution" would be do disable the fsck/cleanup that Windows is doing, but I don't recommend skipping something like that after what is basically a crash. – jimtut – 2014-05-07T21:44:28.660

@benimen, I have 8.1, and it happens to me when I do a hard shutdown. – jimtut – 2014-05-07T21:44:54.063

@jimtut how can i disable the fsck/cleanup ? – Ouerghi Yassine – 2014-05-07T22:11:35.830

@jimtut didnt help .. – Ouerghi Yassine – 2014-05-09T15:16:43.357