Best way to provision vSphere VMs remotely


Edit: Sorry, should have mentioned this upfront: looking for a Linux-only solution here.

I'm looking for a way to automate the process of provisioning vSphere VMs remotely. I'm wondering what is typically done or considered a "best practice" here:

  • Does vSphere expose a REST API for this sort of thing?
  • Does vSphere expose a CLI that I could SSH into from a remote server and issues commands inside of?

Ideally, Process A living on Machine 1 could reach out to a vSphere server living on Machine 2, tell it to provision, say, 20 VMs using a particular template, and then vSphere acknowledges when the VMs are provisioned and online. Ideas?


Posted 2014-05-07T01:03:03.310

Reputation: 2 212

1PowerCLI should do the trick. I didn't post as an answer as I'm not very familiar with it. – Nathan C – 2014-05-07T01:06:47.280

Thanks @NathanC (+1) - however please see my edit. I should have mentioned this upfront: I need to be able to do all this scripting/automation from a Linux machine, and I believe (of course, correct me if I'm wrong) PowerCLI is Windows-only. Ideas? Thanks again! – pnongrata – 2014-05-07T01:11:01.913

Something like Puppet, perhaps?

– Nathan C – 2014-05-07T01:30:34.107




Posted 2014-05-07T01:03:03.310

Reputation: 186

Thanks @Raf (+1) - what about Java clients? – pnongrata – 2014-05-07T16:13:32.713