How do I fix the cable connector to my laptop(horixontal/vertical lines)?


I have an Alienware m14x and have gotten vertical and horizontal lines all over the screen. In the past I was able to twist, bend, and push in certain spots on the screen to fix it (mostly). Now its gone too far.

I disassembled the LCD screen and searched a piece. Here is what the tag says:

COXIAL CABLE-1 /N 1422-0007000 WANSHIH 12/03/26

I Googled it and here are some images

This here is a picture of my laptop (partially disassembled):

enter image description here

I was wondering how should i continue disassembling it to fix the cable. I was told I have to tighten some pieces (cable). I just don't know what to do from this point on.


Posted 2014-05-03T22:46:58.487

Reputation: 101

In my experience you'll have to find the disassembly guide for your laptop. Otherwise you will spend a lot of time figuring our how to do it. There is always some hidden screw really hard to find. – – 2014-05-03T23:20:43.260

Solved it(I hope...) In the picture you can see the "do not touch" thing. I touched it an the monitor started showing the stuff. When i let go... it would have the lines again. I simply put a business card in between the case and the do not touch thingy. :P – unableToCompile – 2014-05-03T23:47:06.773

Great! The less you disassemble the better ;) – – 2014-05-03T23:53:02.370

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