Adding additional powerline adapter


My current setting is like this:

router<->powerline adapter 1 (from ActionTec)

xbox<->powerline adapter 2

Now, I want to connect VoIP phone using powerline adapter. Can I simply do the following?

VoIP phone <-> powerline adapter 3

Or I need to do this? (pair 1 and 2):

router<->powerline adapter 1 
router<->powerline adapter 3 (connect to another port on the router) 

xbox<->powerline adapter 2
VoIP phone <-> powerline adapter 4


Paul Green

Posted 2014-05-01T15:56:22.190

Reputation: 3



You just need to set up powerline adaptor 3 to the same 'network' as the other two (and if you haven't changed your settings from the defaults, you should). The alternate setup you've suggested is un-necessary

Journeyman Geek

Posted 2014-05-01T15:56:22.190

Reputation: 119 122