Problems installing JSCover 0.2.0 on Windows 7


I am trying to install JSCover 0.2.0 on Windows 7. I was using this guide, but failed on step 2 where I need to run the
Do I need to run it from windows command line, or cygwin console. From running from windows console I get this error enter image description here

And from Cygwin console nothing happens (ignore the java error I had file open at the time)

enter image description here

I must be missing some step here. Does anyone fell into same problem, or maybe do you have better installation guide.

Matas Vaitkevicius

Posted 2014-04-28T11:32:41.213

Reputation: 963



It was me being stupid. When server runs using cygwin it does not give any message about it, it just runs. So simply browse to http://localhost:8080/jscoverage.html?/index.html and that should take you to example page.

One more thing you do not need cygwin to run JSCover 0.2.0 there is example-server.bat in JSCover-0.2.0 directory that you can run to start the server on Windows.

Matas Vaitkevicius

Posted 2014-04-28T11:32:41.213

Reputation: 963