I upgraded after Ubuntu 13.10 to 14.04. However after the upgrade, the system restarted. But got stuck with a black screen displaying the message:
Starting VMware services: [OK]
Virtual machine monitor done
Virtual machine communication interface done
VM communication interface socket family done
Blocking file system done
Virtual ethernet done
VMware Authentication Daemon done
Shared memory available done
speech-dispatcher disabled; edit /etc/default/speech-dispatcher
Starting VirtualBox Kernel modules ...failed!
(modprobe vdoxdrv failed. Please use 'dmseg' to find out why)
saned disabled; edit /etc/default/saned
* Restoring resolver state... [OK]
And the system is stuck at this point for hours. Unable to access even the console, hence unable to do anything.
I can't format my system as it contains all my project codes and other important data.
StackOverflow is a coding site. This question should be on SuperUser or better yet, AskUbuntu: http://askubuntu.com
– JakeGould – 2014-04-27T02:16:16.243