Did a command in Command Prompt, should I change them?


I was following a tutorial online for creating a WiFi hotspot and it said to do this line in command prompt (as administrator):

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=www.FastTechBuzz.com key=FastTechBuzz

What did I actually do and should I restore or delete something now? I think I didn't create a hotspot. I didn't even do the next steps from the tutorial. Should the hostednetwork option be set to allow?


Posted 2014-04-24T12:27:20.407

Reputation: 1

3Never execute commands if you don't have at least a vague idea of what you are doing. Especially on a command line, if you are not familiar with it. – user1301428 – 2014-04-24T13:20:16.913



what you did was to ask your wireless card or system setup to behave like a router.By typing following;

netsh called the netsh command

wlan you indicated which hardware you wanted to start working with

set Basically a command to netsh to do something

hostednetwork What you asked netsh to concentrate on

mode=allow You asked for the hostednetwork to be allowed for communication -basically

ssid= Whatever you put after the = sign is the ID or name you gave the hostednetwork

key= That is the password to the hostednetwork

If you added keyUsage= then you are defining how the key should be used (usually persistent follows the = sign)

Now after doing this you can either turn it on or leave it there. If you turn it on, you can leave it to run so you connect with your other devices (after you share your internet connection through it) or turn it off if you want to.

To turn it on, just type netsh wlan start hostednetwork

I guess you get the whole gig by now...you are simply asking for it to be started.

To turn is off, well your guess is as good as mine..., netsh wlan stop hostednetwork

Revert if you still have any issues. Dont worry, if you dont turn it on, it will have no effect on your system anyway. An at least the password sort of protects and regulates who gets access to it...thus if you give them access.


Posted 2014-04-24T12:27:20.407

Reputation: 61


You just updated your wifi on your computer to act as a hotspot. You gave it an ID and password and allowed others to connect to it from their wireless devices (in the same way you normally connect direct to a router).


Posted 2014-04-24T12:27:20.407

Reputation: 24 199


The hosted network is controlled with

netsh wlan start hostednetwork


netsh wlan stop hostednetwork

I’m sure this is also written in your guide. ;)

So basically your changes didn’t affect anything set. You can just forget about them, if you like.

Daniel B

Posted 2014-04-24T12:27:20.407

Reputation: 40 502

@Dave Rook said that I just made my WiFi to act as a hotspot, so aren't I supposed to stop the hotspot? Or it doesn't matter? – IkeVeles – 2014-04-24T14:56:42.680

No, you just set it up. Without flipping the switch, so to say. – Daniel B – 2014-04-24T15:17:47.943


netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=name key=password

This command asks your wireless card to behave as router as well as to allow card to host the network.

There is no problem unless or otherwise u start the hosted network with this command

netsh wlan start hostednetwork

You can also stop by

netsh wlan stop hostednetwork

This command creates creates reliable adhoc network cos it creates password of WPA-2 encryption. You can see this by

netsh wlan show hostednetwork

Dont forget to share your ethernet connection in properties and assign it to your hosted network.


Posted 2014-04-24T12:27:20.407

Reputation: 101