A global shortcut to refresh the current window/tab in chrome



Whilst programming a simple web site, I'm a bit annoyed by the need to switch from my code editor to chrome in order to refresh the page after each modification save.

Is there a way to assign a global shortcut to refresh the current window/tab of chrome?


Posted 2014-04-23T16:25:05.567

Reputation: 121




  • Open Automator and choose a New Document
  • Choose Service

A screengrab showing the document type dialog in Automator

  • Set Service receives to no input
  • Choose Run AppleScript action from the action list.
  • Paste the following code in the script:


tell application "Google Chrome" to tell the active tab of its first window
end tell

A screengrab showing the automator window actions

  • Save the the service, for example, using the name Chrome Refresh

System Preferences

  • Open System Preferences > Keyboard
  • In the Shortcuts tab, choose Services
  • Assign a new shortcut

A screengrab showing System Preferences keyboard shortcut tab


Posted 2014-04-23T16:25:05.567

Reputation: 121