How to change the background color of an image?




This is the front page of my project. As you can see there is an image and a label 'C-MARK CALCULATOR'.

I want to make the white portion of the image to black, that is the background color of the window. How can I do it ? Can I do it using Picasa or Paint ?


Posted 2014-04-19T10:12:26.623

Reputation: 713



What you need to do is create a second layer with the same color as the background. Place this layer behind your image, and then set the layer with your image to be Multiply. This will make both blend without any visual problems. I'm not sure if supports these actions with layers, but both Adobe Photoshop and Jasc Paintshop Pro will do this without much problem.


Posted 2014-04-19T10:12:26.623

Reputation: 42 190


you need to edit the photo with a photo editor e.g. Photoshop or Paint.NET. There is a tool in both of them called Magic Wand, then use it to select the white space and press DEL. The procedure in a video, HERE.

Jalal Mostafa

Posted 2014-04-19T10:12:26.623

Reputation: 298

Magic wand will not do the trick here because it is an aliassed image to white, so you get this ugly white border. – LPChip – 2014-04-19T11:47:36.697

it will do the job, but it needs some work. – Jalal Mostafa – 2014-04-19T13:07:42.420