Why gadgets are avoided in Windows 8?


In Windows 7, there were gadgets like clock, calender, weather etc. But in Windows 8, no gadgets are there.

Why Microsoft avoided gadgets in Windows 8 ?


Posted 2014-04-18T10:45:12.840

Reputation: 713

Question was closed 2014-04-18T13:47:04.417

1http://windows.microsoft.com/en-gb/windows/gadgets – Indrek – 2014-04-18T10:46:06.567

1Because it was discoverd that gadgets were a security risk. Because only a small minority even used them they were simply removed from Windows 8. – Ramhound – 2014-04-18T10:53:18.490

See Frank Thomas's reply to LPChip's answer for your reason. However, I suggest you look into Rainmeter to achieve a similar style that Windows's gadgets gave you. – adampski – 2014-04-18T12:28:36.460



Micrsoft stopped supporting gadgets all together. Not just in windows 8, but in 7 as well. There used to be a library available where you could download gadgets for windows 7, but Microsoft stopped with this a year ago. In Windows 8, you have Metro with tiles which is supposed to be the replacement for gadgets.


Posted 2014-04-18T10:45:12.840

Reputation: 42 190


Note that the reason for this, is that they could not reconcile the gadget model with the admin-approval model used in UAC, which lead to gadgets being inherently over-privldged, allowing any exploit against vulnerabilities in the gadget itself to perform actions that would otherwise be impermissible. https://technet.microsoft.com/library/security/2719662

– Frank Thomas – 2014-04-18T11:38:19.220

Indeed, Frank's reply answers the question that was asked. – adampski – 2014-04-18T12:27:38.400