How to create a contact list that can be imported into (almost) any device/program


My workplace has a lot of people coming and going and no-one keeps a central contact list. This leads to problems with getting in touch with people out-of-hours. Everyone uses different devices and software for managing contacts. Most common is iOS, OSX, gmail and Android with a little bit of Outlook.

What I want to do is send out an email to everyone with an attached file that they can import into their device/application of choice. It will just have names and mobile phone numbers - nothing else. Is there a standard format that I can do this with that I can easily generate myself?


Posted 2014-04-16T10:32:15.973

Reputation: 101

1.csv should be pretty standard. Or move to a cloud hosted solution. – Raystafarian – 2014-04-16T11:05:51.410



Funambol makes software which allows for contact and calendar syncing between different platforms. Not an exact answer to your question, but it will still allow you to achieve what you want.


Posted 2014-04-16T10:32:15.973

Reputation: 11 805