I'm using the default user interface and am trying to create a button to queue the selected song, the button is in a WSH panel mod running javascript. Is there a function to either (a) directly queue the selected song or (b) send a set of keystrokes that will queue the song (where the keyboard shortcut is defined in: Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts > [context] > Add to playback queue)?
What I've found about the two methods are:
(a) There is a function "queue_add_item()" but I'm not sure how to pass in the selected item (inputs to this function are "metadb_handle_ptr" and "p_item")
(b) In Winamp I was able to send a keyboard shortcut by running a file in the directory, the XML code was:
and "ctrl_alt_q.vbs" contained:
CreateObject("WScript.Shell").SendKeys "^%q"