If a wireless router sends packets all by broadcast and with its full bandwidth, can each connected device receive the same full bandwidth?


If a wireless router sends packets all by broadcast and with its full bandwidth, can each connected device receive the same full bandwidth?

The possible scenario is like this:

1) connect one device to a wireless router to its wired port, and then send broadcast packets, let's say 100Mb/sec.

2) if the wireless router send these broadcast packets by wireless to other devices, can each device receive packets at the same 100Mb/sec speed?

This is actually intended to duplicate one packet to many.


Posted 2014-04-09T21:27:06.020

Reputation: 1

1No; because the wireless network has throughout limits also. – Ramhound – 2014-04-09T21:41:51.703

But it is broadcast, the router does not have to send the packet to each device one by one. I just want to make sure of it. – John – 2014-04-09T21:55:55.877

You don't have a 100MB/sec wireless network I guarantee you that. I will repeat, the wireless network has a limit on its throughput, each client CANNOT each download at the same speed. – Ramhound – 2014-04-09T21:56:54.577



The answer is no. Yes the router does (can) broadcast SSID. No the router (or the cheap ones I use) can Broadcast (stream) the same packet to multiple devices without overhead (like said above).

There was a article recently about significant improvements in switching in regards to WiFi. I can't remember where I read it.

Last place I worked that had true Wireless broadcast was using satellite. Where one packet was sent to the satellite and then broadcasted out for all that listened. Fun but a little slow at the time and lots of pricey dedicated hardware.

Jason McD

Posted 2014-04-09T21:27:06.020

Reputation: 1 072

Yes, I agree that it does have overhead. I just want to make sure it is in a broadcast manner, but not a one by one manner. If each device can get a 50Mb/sec bandwidth in my example, if I connect 10 devices, that is still 500Mb/sec total throughput. Am I right? – John – 2014-04-09T22:32:05.383

Minus packet overhead, signal interference, quality of the router, switching. Basically in my study I have never got that sort of magic.Think of this: The Cable company says I'm on a 50Mbps service. Am I going to get that ;) Heck no lol. I would say the other problem is the receiving side. I could be wrong. Been wrong before. – Jason McD – 2014-04-09T22:42:20.143