creating a new user account with the least privileges in windows 7


i'm just wondering how can i create a normal user account which can login without a password and can access only to the main partition usually named (C:) supposing that we have another partition named (D:). all this using cmd


Posted 2014-04-07T23:26:40.187

Reputation: 3

Create a new user group with the permissions you want the create a user in that group – Ramhound – 2014-04-07T23:32:24.943

@Ramhound i've searched in many websites but none of them explain how to set privilegs for a group,they only talk about creating or deleting a group which is very easy can you show me where to begin . thanks :) – hannibal – 2014-04-08T17:16:01.340

You need help setting up a user group permissions – Ramhound – 2014-04-08T18:40:43.007

exactly a group of normal users and who can access only C: – hannibal – 2014-04-08T21:43:54.827

What permissions have you provided this new user group exactly? – Ramhound – 2014-04-08T21:47:47.180

in fact i look how to grant these permissions to the group using windows shell( i'm just a beginner). i believe they're not like GNU/Linux Shell commands can you give an example of such commands thank you again for your help i really appreciate that – hannibal – 2014-04-09T23:05:04.497



Preliminary steps

  1. Open an elevated command prompt.

  2. Type or paste the following command after replacing NewUser with the name you want to use. Press Enter when you're done.

    net user "NewUser" "" /add

    By default new user accounts are always created as standard users (i.e. non-admin). The specified password is empty.

  3. Log on with the new account, and then log off. This is just to ensure the profile gets initialized.

Hide and prevent access to any drive but C: from My Computer

Back to the command prompt, type or paste the following commands. Make sure to replace all NewUser with the actual account name, then press Enter each time.

reg load "HKU\NewUser" "%SystemDrive%\Users\NewUser\NTUSER.DAT"
reg add "HKU\NewUser\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer" /v "NoDrives" /t REG_DWORD /d 0x3fffffb /f
reg add "HKU\NewUser\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer" /v "NoViewOnDrive" /t REG_DWORD /d 0x3fffffb /f
reg unload "HKU\NewUser"

Deny access to drives and all their subfolders

  1. Type or paste the commands below. Replace NewUser with the account name, then press Enter:

    takeown /f D: /a
    icacls D: /deny "NewUser":(OI)(CI)(F)
  2. Repeat step 1 for any other drive you want to restrict by replacing D: with the actual letter.



Posted 2014-04-07T23:26:40.187

Reputation: 13 382