What is the command line switch for Far Manager to open in a specified directory?



What is the command line switch for Far Manager to open in a specified directory?


Posted 2014-04-07T18:32:01.337

Reputation: 61



There is no explicit switch for this, you just append the desired directory name.

Citing the built-in help (from FAR 1.7x, FAR 3.x has additional features in this respect):

It is possible to specify at most two paths to folder, files or archives in the command line. The first path applies to the active panel, the second path - to the passive one:

  • if a folder or archive is specified, FAR will show its contents
  • if a file is specified, FAR will change to the folder where it resides and place the cursor on the file, if it exists.

So, assuming your Windows is installed in c:\windows, you can start FAR with

far c:\windows c:\

and it will start with c:\windows in the active panel and c:\ in the passive one.


Posted 2014-04-07T18:32:01.337

Reputation: 493


You could also use a dot as an argument to indicate "current folder". If far. exe is globally available by, lets say, including it in the PATH environmental variable executing

far .

will open Far Manager and display the folder from which it was opened.


Posted 2014-04-07T18:32:01.337

Reputation: 111


You could type cd c:\windows in Far's command prompt and the active panel will change to it. Remember to escape paths that contain space character with double quotes as in command line.


Posted 2014-04-07T18:32:01.337

Reputation: 1