How to get remote username on windows machine


I tried this command wmic.exe /node:IP-or-HostName ComputerSystem Get UserName but I get access denied as i don't have password to the remote machine.I can only ping the ipaddress and I have its name Is it possible to get username or any more details about remote machine without having a login access to it.


Posted 2014-04-02T13:41:46.297

Reputation: 809

absolutely not, and if you could that would be a serious security hole, which I would expect them to patch immediately. you can probably find other mechanisms (sniff some of their network traffic, etc), but not from WMI. – Frank Thomas – 2014-04-02T14:29:43.827



You can get the name of a user that is currently logged into a PC in your network with PowerShell (ExecutionPolicy needs to be set to RemoteSigned on the target PC)

get-wmiobject -class win32_computersystem <IP> | format-list UserName, Name

But it looks like you want to do that with a web server. If the Admin of that server did his job well, you will not be able to find out which account is currently logged into it.


Posted 2014-04-02T13:41:46.297

Reputation: 469