Using Ctrl+V to paste unformatted text by default in's Calc



Is there a way to change the Ctrl+V command in Calc to paste unformatted text?

There is Ctrl + Shift + V, which puts up a dialog. But that is too much work. I just want to change the default Ctrl+V behaviour.


Posted 2009-11-21T11:23:59.553

Reputation: 931



Steps to make CTRL+V to trigger 'Paste Unformatted Text':

1. Create macro:

  • go in 'Tools > Macro > Record Macro'.
  • A small box with a button 'Stop recording' button appears
  • Place the mouse in one cell
  • go in 'Edit > Paste Special > Unformatted text'
  • press 'Stop recording' and
  • save the macro with a name like 'PasteUnformatted'

2. Trigger macro on CTRL+V:

  • Go to Tools > Customize > Keyboard (see screenshot below)
  • Find the Category list (bottom left - may need to scroll)
  • Select 'OpenOffice Macros > user > Standard > Module1'
  • find your 'PasteUnformatted' macro
  • Select CTRL+V in the 'Shortcut keys list'
  • Click 'Modify' then 'OK'

Tools > Customize > Keyboard with Macro and CTRL+V selected (mac)

Marco Demaio

Posted 2009-11-21T11:23:59.553

Reputation: 243

1The other (accepted) answer may have been "right", but it isn't useful. Thank you for saving me from formatted pasting with this simple explanation. – WEBjuju – 2017-08-17T14:51:17.690


Why complicate things? A simpler way to paste Unformated Text with Ccontrol V is simply to record a macro (paste icon in top icon menu) where you manually paste unformated text. Next go to Tools, Adjust and select category macro, your macto, and the control-v option.


Everytime you now use ctrl-v your text is pasted unformated.

Mark Holmer

Posted 2009-11-21T11:23:59.553




bak = %clipboard%
clipboard = %bak%
Send ^v

That would replace Control-Shift-V with an "unformatted" paste, globally.

If you wanted it OOo Calc only, you'd do something like:

#IfWinActive, ahk_class [something]
bak = %clipboard%
clipboard = %bak%
Send ^v

Where [something] is the window's Class name, which you could easily find out with AHK's bundled Window Spy. (This one would actually replace Control-V (^ means control, + means shift), but doing that systemwide is a bad idea)


Posted 2009-11-21T11:23:59.553

Reputation: 22 001