Synergy client won't connect, despite open port?


I want to use a Debian KDE desktop computer (network name bradbury) as the server, and a Windows 7 laptop (network name Clarke) as the client. I have used this setup before without problems, but then there was a Fedora on the server. Now the client only gives

WARNING: failed to connect to server: Timed out. 

What I did:

  • installed Synergy from the repository
  • saved a config file under /etc/synergy.conf
    section: screens


    section: links
            down = Clarke
            up = bradbury
  • opened port 24800 (at least I think I did, this is the first time I have used iptables)
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 24800 -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 24800 -j ACCEPT

It seems that the port is indeed open.

rumtscho@bradbury:~$ netstat -an |grep 24800 |grep -i listen
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN   
  • checked on the router that my computer's IP is indeed, and the laptop's IP is
  • started synergy
rumtscho@bradbury:~$ synergys -f -n bradbury
2014-03-21T11:50:29 INFO: Synergy 1.3.8 Server on Linux 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.54-2 x86_64
2014-03-21T11:50:29 DEBUG: opening configuration "/home/rumtscho/.synergy.conf"
2014-03-21T11:50:29 DEBUG: cannot open configuration "/home/rumtscho/.synergy.conf"
2014-03-21T11:50:29 DEBUG: opening configuration "/etc/synergy.conf"
2014-03-21T11:50:29 DEBUG: configuration read successfully
2014-03-21T11:50:29 DEBUG: XOpenDisplay(":0")
2014-03-21T11:50:30 DEBUG: xscreensaver window: 0x00000000
2014-03-21T11:50:30 DEBUG: screen shape: 0,0 5120x1440 (xinerama)
2014-03-21T11:50:30 DEBUG: window is 0x04c00004
2014-03-21T11:50:30 DEBUG: opened display
2014-03-21T11:50:30 DEBUG: registered hotkey ScrollLock (id=ef14 mask=0000) as id=1
2014-03-21T11:50:30 NOTE: started server
2014-03-21T11:50:30 INFO: screen "bradbury" shape changed

But the client still won't connect.

enter image description here


Posted 2014-03-21T11:08:41.590

Reputation: 3 586

did you ever manage to solve this. have the exact same problem nmap -P 24800 IPADDRESS from the client seems to indicate the port is open and reachable Host is up (0.012s latency) 24800/tcp open unknown – user2255757 – 2016-08-28T14:12:12.757

I'm not 100% sure(haven't used Synergy on Linux), but you alias Clarke to in the server, but in the client you mention screen name Clarke with IP as the server - that doesn't sound right, does it? – Sathyajith Bhat – 2014-03-21T12:44:26.040

@Sathya Clarke is the client, with IP ending in 39. Bradbury is the server, with IP ending in 22. – rumtscho – 2014-03-21T12:46:07.003



  • You have to run the same version of synergy for both version.

  • Check the hostname.

  • Check if you do not have any firewall on windows/linux that is generating issues.
  • Change the port 24800 by 8081. That works for me.
  • Remember both have to listen the same port.

Good luck!

Ezequiel De Simone

Posted 2014-03-21T11:08:41.590

Reputation: 21


In linux, I needed to use this command like described earlier:

sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 24800 -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 24800 -j ACCEPT

I also added the computer name (client and server) in configuration, exact same names at both of them. (Ex: computer-client, computer-server).

Paulo Honório

Posted 2014-03-21T11:08:41.590

Reputation: 1