jpg repeating gif imagemagick



so this is my first post on Stack Overflow after years of being a read-only guy. This time i have hit a wall and can't really get past it and would really appreciate your positive response.

This is the command that iam using to convert a list of JPEGs to one single Gif. The problem comes when the first frame keeps on repeating after every second within the gif which messes it all up.


convert -delay 10 -loop 0 " + directoryname + "\\*.jpg " + directoryname + "\\output.gif


Posted 2014-03-15T09:28:20.560


Welcome to [so]! You'll probably have better luck with the question on [su], our site for the general use of computing software. Stack Overflow's mostly for questions relating to programming using actual code -- the Stack Overflow community generally don't consider using tools via the command line interface as programming. Thanks for asking -- good luck!

– Qantas 94 Heavy – 2014-03-15T09:52:30.220

Your question can be voted/flagged for migration to [su]. – llogan – 2014-03-15T17:56:13.313

Should this not be tagged imagemgick rather than ffmpeg? – Rajib – 2014-03-16T13:07:57.207

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