Installing a danish dvorak keyboard in fedora


I am using us-dvorak on my Fedora installation, but I would like to use a dvorak which also contains danish letters.

I do have the file /usr/lib/kbd/keymaps/xkb/ but I don't know how to install it. I can do a setxkbmap dk and setxkbmap dvorak to change between danish and dvorak layout, but setxkbmap da-dvorak just gives me Error loading new keyboard description

I am using Kde, as my gui in case it matters.

I found the Solution: It turns out that the keyboard selector in kde don't allow you to modify all details of an already added keyboard. So the solution is to add a new keyboard which can then be configured with the right language/layout


Posted 2014-03-12T23:13:01.723

Reputation: 982



did you try this

same issue as you, just as we norwegians would say, "dra meg nå baklengs inni fuglekassa"


Posted 2014-03-12T23:13:01.723

Reputation: 961

Thanks. That link gave me a hint to really solve the problem. (Se my updated answer) – MTilsted – 2014-03-26T19:24:16.870

on ubuntu there is dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration, pretty sure fedora also has something simular – nwgat – 2014-05-09T14:11:20.050