When on VPN, can't load any sites that belong to Google


I work from home and I VPN into the office. We are a remote team all over the country and we use Google Hangouts to video conference. After I VPN, I then RDP onto my desktop which is a physical machine located in an office across the country. I own a PC and a Mac, but the PC has no built in web cam. So, I end up using my Mac. Microsoft has a Mac RDP client that works well to connect to a Windows machine.

A few weeks ago, a strange thing started to happen. When I hop on the VPN, I am TOTALLY unable to load any website that is owned by Google: Plus, Gmail, Youtube, or the main Google site. ALL other sites load just fine. It's only Google. If I want to use Hangouts, I have to kill the VPN. This makes it impossible to video conference with co-workes and look at my desktop at the same time. As a workaround, I use Hangouts on my phone. That's okay so long as nobody wants to do a screen share.

The thing is, this didn't use to be the case. It just started all at once a few weeks ago.

I have been (when not on VPN obviously) Googling this issue, and I can't find one single other instance of this problem. Lot's of people have the opposite problem... they can't get on Google unless they ARE on VPN.

I'm using a MacBook Pro running iOS 10.9.2. I just updated the OS hoping this would solve the problem. Nope. The VPN is a standard PPTP. Encryption is "Automatic (128 bit or 40 bit). I have it set to not use the VPN for all network traffic.

Below are some trace routes... note the highlights... Why would my machine use a different IP Address for the same domain when I'm on VPN? I tried to flush DNS, but that didn't do the trick.

Any ideas?


traceroute plus.google.com

traceroute: **Warning: plus.google.com has multiple addresses; using**

traceroute to plus.google.com (, 64 hops max, 52 byte packets

 1 (  2.258 ms  2.461 ms  4.207 ms

 2 (  7.580 ms  10.589 ms  10.812 ms

 3  dtr01stcdmn-tge-0-5-0-7.stcd.mn.charter.com (  12.574 ms  11.454 ms 
 9.959 ms

 4  crr01stcdmn-tge-0-3-0-10.stcd.mn.charter.com (  19.980 ms

crr01stcdmn-tge-0-3-0-9.stcd.mn.charter.com (  19.069 ms

crr01stcdmn-tge-0-3-0-8.stcd.mn.charter.com (  16.332 ms

 5  bbr01stcdmn-bue-2.stcd.mn.charter.com (  14.575 ms  14.095 ms  15.967 ms

 6  bbr02chcgil-bue-1.chcg.il.charter.com (  36.023 ms  33.109 ms  42.461 ms

 7  prr01chcgil-bue-4.chcg.il.charter.com (  33.986 ms  33.072 ms  36.438 ms

 8  96-34-152-30.static.unas.mo.charter.com (  31.807 ms  26.556 ms  37.344 ms

 9 (  27.068 ms (  28.014 ms (  25.807 ms

10 (  34.524 ms  29.817 ms (  33.913 ms

11 (  40.783 ms  38.431 ms (  40.239 ms

12 (  60.883 ms  59.278 ms  70.201 ms

13 (  93.413 ms (  80.217 ms  81.843 ms

14 (  80.163 ms  84.024 ms (  82.430 ms

15 (  86.657 ms  85.792 ms  81.971 ms

16  lax17s02-in-f3.1e100.net (  81.444 ms  84.409 ms  84.698 ms


Caseys-MacBook-Pro:~ ccrookston$ traceroute plus.google.com

traceroute: **Warning: plus.google.com has multiple addresses; using**

traceroute to plus.google.com (, 64 hops max, 52 byte packets

 1 (  3.176 ms  1.559 ms  1.599 ms

 2 (  9.344 ms  12.240 ms  8.223 ms

 3  dtr01stcdmn-tge-0-5-0-7.stcd.mn.charter.com (  8.854 ms  9.004 ms  7.853 ms

 4  crr01stcdmn-tge-0-3-0-11.stcd.mn.charter.com (  16.984 ms

crr01stcdmn-tge-0-3-0-10.stcd.mn.charter.com (  12.075 ms

crr01stcdmn-tge-0-3-0-9.stcd.mn.charter.com (  17.398 ms

 5  bbr01stcdmn-bue-2.stcd.mn.charter.com (  11.178 ms  10.727 ms  14.369 ms

 6 (  14.132 ms  10.388 ms  12.030 ms

 7  vb1710.rar3.chicago-il.us.xo.net (  26.291 ms  31.111 ms  23.546 ms

 8 (  20.350 ms  19.322 ms  19.765 ms

 9  0.xe-3-3-0.br3.chi13.alter.net (  22.572 ms  59.138 ms  19.948 ms

10  * * *

11  * * *

12  * * *

13  * * *

Figured out a solution. Not sure if it's the best solution, but it's working:

System Preferences > Network > Wi-Fi > Advanced > DNS.

Made a note of the IP Address.

System Preferences > Network > VPN > Advanced > DNS.

Deleted the existing IP Addresses and added the same one that Wi-Fi is using. This seems to have resolved the issue. Found the solution here:


Casey Crookston

Posted 2014-03-12T17:33:20.660

Reputation: 151

side note: When I trace route, it resolves just fine, even when on VPN. – Casey Crookston – 2014-03-12T17:37:31.723

Your VPN's DNS server is lying. Try nslookup – SLaks – 2014-03-12T17:50:54.340

Found a solution. As i don't have enough user points, I had to add it to the end of my question. – Casey Crookston – 2014-03-12T17:54:14.940

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