apache mod rewrite - how to determine what file on disk is being hit?


A project that I am newly working on has been around for years, and it has managed to accumulate several hundred rather complex RewriteRules within the Apache conf files.

When working with some files, I have been able to figure out which rules affect them. However, in other cases I am completely stuck at figuring it out. My method so far has been to manually look through the various conf files, and grep them for certain keywords.

Is there a better way to do this?

Some of the things which I can think of are:

  • Is there a command or REPL where I can enter a path, and it return that name of the file that it serves?
  • Is there a tool that will let you do the above, and also highlight which lines in the conf files re-wrote that rule?
  • Is there a way to inspect the log files to determine what the input path and corresponding file served path were?

... but I am not sure where to begin with any of these.


Posted 2014-03-11T23:56:14.523

Reputation: 1 651

1Have you enabled RewriteLog? This is the easiest way to follow what rewrites are happening. – Paul – 2014-03-12T00:44:14.133



Please enable the RewriteLog directive that Paul mentioned above. Then set the value of the RewriteLogLevel directive to 2.

After that start to increase the value of RewrireLogLevel up to 9 until you see the necessary details recorded to the log file.

Alex Frolov

Posted 2014-03-11T23:56:14.523

Reputation: 411


agree with above, to enable rewrite log, simply add

RewriteLog <file-path>
RewriteLogLevel 2

to your virtualhost file, then restart apache

the man file for mod rewrite can be found here


Posted 2014-03-11T23:56:14.523

Reputation: 338

I would have commented this, but miss some karma to do that.. sorry – Sverre – 2014-03-12T14:17:07.353