I have this 8 channel DVR with the brand "ELEC" that streams video over the network. However, I can only connect to it using iPhone apps called vMyEye, Asee+, and other similar names. I want to use VLC or something else to access the stream on my Mac.
Long story short, there is no way for me to simply look this up online, so my only way to figure out the streaming protocol and URL is through the vMyEye app. I already know that the port is 34599, and I know the local IP address. What do you recommend? Packet sniffers? Examining the binary code of the app for URLs (already tried and failed)?
EDIT: Forgot to say that I already tried going to IP:34599 in my web browser. It gets stuck loading and does nothing. The DVR also requires a username and password to log in, so that data is passed in somehow, hopefully not after the initial request :O
You could use an IP scanning utility to scan all of the IP addresses on your local subnet, and see if the IP address is active. Then, load the active IP-addresses in your browser as http://IP-address:34599 to see if that IP address is the correct one.
– Steve – 2014-03-10T07:35:07.177Good idea, and I forgot to mention that I already tried that. It just gets stuck loading forever. No response if I connect with telnet either. – sudo – 2014-03-10T07:36:59.337
What happens if you load IP:34599 with VLC? – Steve – 2014-03-10T07:38:27.957
It fails to open. Ugh, I also forgot to say that it has a username and password passed in somehow. It's late at night over here. – sudo – 2014-03-10T07:39:28.830
Have you tried all active IP addresses on your subnet? They all fail to load in VLC or your browser? – Steve – 2014-03-10T07:41:20.077
I know that the device's IP address is for sure since vMyEye can connect to that and play the video. – sudo – 2014-03-10T07:45:00.743